The Day The Lego Movie Spoke To Me

First, I will start off saying this was a pretty good movie and I did have quite a few laugh out loud moments. Truthfully, I love children’s movies anyways so I was looking forward to watching this with the children I was babysitting.

Through all the humor and craziness of the movie, the message spoke loud and clear to me. We all have the ability in us to achieve great things even if we weren’t trained, haven’t acquired all the education, or have been told we can’t do it. We just need to believe it’s in us and we can do anything.

Now, this is clearly what God said in His word too: With Faith, all things are possible. Sometimes, however, having a message put into a visual works very well with understanding a thing.

Why did this matter to me?

Well, I am writing and putting together a TV pilot to pitch to Netfilx. I have NEVER done this before. When I had told my agency about my idea for a show, they said, “Alright let’s do it! We have connections with people in Netflix and we can pitch it to them. You’re going to be responsible for putting everything together and we’ll help.”

That’s big stuff right there. But I accepted the challenge.

This is where The Lego Movie comes into play. Emmett, who thought, and had been told, that he was empty, base, and unoriginal, saved the day by believing he could be the master builder.

In the past, I planned an entire photo shoot without prior knowledge of how to put one together, but I did it and it went extremely well, but I often thought “What if it doesn’t work? What if I’m not a great model and I make everything look lame?”

Contrarily, the cool thing this time around is that I am not doubting myself every step of the way. I had began to wonder why there is no fear of failure, but after watching the movie, I see that I believe in myself this time, and more importantly I trust God that it will turn out how it’s to turn out. I cannot lose because even if I don’t get the funding to do the mini episodes, I still put my all into making it happen. I still will learn something new. Or if I do get the episodes done and Netflix doesn’t approve, I still have something under my belt. There is no loss.

So, just how Emmett was undeterred by his lack of uniqueness and supposed lack of creativity, I too don’t have to be fearful of not being qualified.

I can also look at it like how David faced Goliath with these words (paraphrased): “I’ve killed the lion, and I’ve killed the bear. This uncircumcised Philistine will be just like them.” Of course it’s not to that lethal extreme, but it’s the confidence that though I accomplished a big task before (at that time), this even bigger task I shall go after with same determination to see it through to completion.

I don’t know what the end result is going to be, but I’m just enjoying taking each step at a time as I work toward the goal of having it presented to Netflix. I am creating something new because I believe I can.

Purely Thrifty, The First Episode

Today I posted the first video of a YouTube series I’ll be doing on thrifty finds, shopping,  and creating. If you read some of my other posts, you’ll see that I just love a bargain on cute and trendy things. The videos are on my agency’s YouTube channel, Amrica Entertainment. Yes, that’s Amrica, not America. I hope you enjoy my efforts of putting a video together through a free video editing software I found. (That will be on another episode 😉 ). Also, check out some of the videos from the others at my agency. We are all pursing our dreams and inviting you into the experience.

So I bought these jeans…


And they’re amazing!

But now I sit here wearing them and questioning if it was responsible of me to buy them. I’ve been forgoing many things I’ve wanted to buy because I have debts and bills to pay, but this week I spent close to $100 on food, new work shoes (as my current ones were about to break and there was a deal at Target – 2 pairs of ballerina flats for $30), jeans and a pair of white pumps, both of which I found in a thrift store.

As you can see I’m trying to make excuses as to why it was okay, but the dilemma remains. I could have used that money more responsibly. But I wanted to buy something for me so bad! URGH! The turmoil!

I just might take them back. But they’re so cute!

There’ll Be No Skipping Life

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. ~ Denis Waitley

Since I was in high school I had always wanted to be “grown up” in the sense that I thought people looked down on teenagers for doing dumb, immature, and vain things. I figured if I just didn’t do those things, then I would be more mature and not looked at like I was just another teen.

I grew up like that, wanting to hurry up and be settled and accomplished by the age of 21- to be married and everything was the plan. I shunned being boy-crazy, going out to parties, going to bars when I was in college (I don’t like the taste of alcohol so it wasn’t much of a pressure anyways), and just the generally having “fun” that young adults do. I saw being in my young twenties as a time to start building an empire and I told myself that I’ll have fun later.

But let me tell you- that mindset put so much pressure on me! I continually felt like a failure because the future I wanted was not my present and therefore I was losing at life. I was not happy. I would start projects and not finish them, I would want to start multiple business ventures at once because I couldn’t contain my interests, I would do all these things and get no where.

It came to a point when I just threw my hands up and yelled ‘WHATEVER! FINE! I CAN’T DO THIS!” Then I just began to thank God for each day I was given and asked that He help me to see the joy of living each second He gives me.

The funny thing is though, it’s like I am going through those phases of life I tried to skip for 10 years. It’s as if those experiences are there for a reason to develop me and that they cannot be skipped over. There is no escaping it. Now I want to go out and have fun, still in a responsible manner, and I can’t stop thinking about who the man is that I’ll marry, and I still don’t like alcohol but I’ll hang out at the bar now with my co-workers. I’m simply enjoying each day for what it is but now I keep a healthy focus on what my future is. It is uncertain, but it is certain that God has a plan for me and I just need to enjoy the ride.

I no longer want the pressure of having it all together. I just want to live.